The First Chakra: Muladhara (Root)

The first chakra, Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and is the root of our very being.

Muladhara is concerned with the functionings of the physical body, including all feelings and sensations.

This chakra represents our basic survival instincts and produces energy for our survival.

When Muladhara is blocked, we may start to feel unstable and insecure. As a result, we often neglect our responsibilities and physical body, which leads to an unhealthy way of living.

Do you feel like your root chakra may be blocked? Take this free 30-second quiz to find out!

On the contrary, if this chakra is too stimulated, we begin to lose ourselves in the physical and material world. 

We can end up paying too much attention to worldly desires and will be unable to reach our higher selves.

To balance this chakra, we need to ensure that our basic survival needs are met without going overboard into superficiality. 

Some great grounding crystals to keep around you are red jasper, hematite and red garnet.

The First Chakra: Muladhara (Root)

Sanskrit name: Muladhara

Element: Earth

Colour: Crimson red 

Represented by: Lotus with four petals

Bija mantra: Lam

Energy flow: Clockwise

Auric layer: Physical body

Location: Base of the spine

Regulates: Lower back/coccyx, adrenal glands, feet, knees, hips, rectum, spine, skeletal system, muscle tissues, immune system

Sense: Smell (nose)

Associated with: Security, self-sufficiency, responsibility, patience, stability, instinct, independence

Focus and intent: Grounding ourselves in a material world, connecting to the earth, survival instincts

Crystals: Red jasper, black tourmaline, hematite, red garnet, bloodstone, smoky quartz, carnelian, jet

Essential oils: Patchouli, cedarwood, frankincense, valerian root, jatamansi (Indian spikenard), sandalwood

The First Chakra: Muladhara (Root)

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