Maximising Moon Magic: A Guide To Plants & Herbs Associated With Moon Phases

For centuries, people have embraced the natural healing power of plants and herbs to alleviate a wide range of issues. But did you know that tapping into the energy of certain herbs and plants during specific moon phases can enhance their potency and maximise their benefits?

Each phase of the moon is associated with different energies and symbolism, which can influence the growth, properties, and effects of herbs. From the waxing crescent to the full moon and the waning crescent, each phase offers a unique opportunity for growth, transformation, and manifestation.

ALSO: The Moon’s Many Faces – A Guide to Understanding the 8 Phases of the Moon

Working with herbs during moon phases can help you connect with the natural cycles of the universe and align with the cosmic energy that surrounds us. Whether you’re seeking to boost your immunity, enhance your intuition, or promote deep relaxation, there’s a plant or herb and a moon phase that can support your goals.

ALSO: How To Use Plants & Herbs In Your Rituals

So, if you’re curious about the magical world of herbs and moon phases, join us on this journey of discovery and unlock the power of nature’s remedies.

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🌑 Plants & Herbs For The New Moon

The new moon is a powerful symbol of new beginnings, fresh starts, and unlimited potential. It represents the start of a new lunar cycle and is a time for setting intentions, planting seeds, and manifesting your desires. The new moon is also associated with darkness, mystery, and the unconscious mind, making it a time for introspection and reflection.


Mugwort is known for its ability to stimulate dreams and enhance intuition, making it a great choice for setting intentions and manifesting what you want to bring into your life.


Lavender’s calming properties can help quiet the mind and promote relaxation. This can make it easier to tune into your intuition and set intentions for the new lunar cycle.


Wormwood is believed to have psychic and intuitive properties that can help enhance intuition and spiritual abilities. This can be useful for tuning into your inner guidance and setting intentions that align with your highest self during the new moon.

Mugwort Illustration
Mugwort (Artemisia) illustration from Rawpixel.

🌒 Plants & Herbs For The Waxing Crescent Moon

The waxing crescent is the first visible phase of the moon after the new moon, and it is a symbol of growth, expansion, and forward momentum. It symbolises a time for harnessing the energy to move forward towards your goals and dreams. This phase is associated with abundance and prosperity, and it is a time to focus on creating a positive mindset and abundance consciousness.


Rosemary is often used for mental clarity and memory enhancement, making it a great choice for setting intentions and making plans for the future.


Jasmine’s association with love, sensuality, creativity, spiritual growth, and manifestation makes it a valuable herb to incorporate into waxing moon rituals and practices.


Peppermint is believed to have cleansing properties, both physically and energetically. It can help to clear negative energy and create a sense of clarity and focus during the waxing moon, which is a time for new beginnings and setting intentions.

Rosemary Illustration
Rosemary illustration by Rawpixel.

🌓 Plants & Herbs For The First Quarter Moon

The first quarter moon marks a time when the moon is half-illuminated and increasing in light. It represents a turning point in the lunar cycle and is a dynamic and energising phase that offers many opportunities for growth and progress. It is a time for taking action, decision-making, and assertiveness, and can be a powerful phase for setting intentions and working towards your goals.


The sweet-smelling rose is often used for promoting self-love, self-care, and emotional healing, making it a great choice for building confidence and nurturing oneself during the first quarter moon.


Ginger is a warming and stimulating herb that is often associated with vitality, courage, and assertiveness. The first quarter moon is associated with taking action and overcoming obstacles, and ginger is believed to be particularly beneficial for enhancing courage and confidence. It can help to calm the nerves, reduce anxiety, and increase feelings of strength and determination.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm has a gentle calming yet uplifting effect on the mood, which can be beneficial during the energetic and action-oriented phase of the first quarter moon. It can help to promote feelings of positivity, optimism, and motivation, making it easier to take action and move forward with your goals.

Lemon balm illustration
Lemon balm illustration by Rawpixel.

🌔 Plants & Herbs For The Waxing Gibbous Moon

The waxing gibbous moon is symbolic of progress, growth, and refinement. It occurs when the moon is between the first quarter and full moon phases, and is characterised by a greater illumination of the moon each night. During the waxing gibbous phase, energy continues to build and momentum increases towards the full moon. This phase is associated with refinement and fine-tuning of plans and goals, as well as the manifestation of intentions set earlier in the lunar cycle. It is a time to focus on progress and growth, to take action towards achieving your goals, and to make adjustments as needed.


Patchouli is associated with grounding, stability, and abundance, making it a great addition to rituals and practices focused on manifesting prosperity and success. Its rich and earthy scent can help to provide a sense of stability and balance during this dynamic phase of the lunar cycle. Additionally, patchouli is known for its ability to promote self-confidence and motivation, which can be particularly useful during the waxing phase when taking action towards your goals is key.


Eucalyptus is often used to help with clarity, focus, and purification. Its invigorating and refreshing scent can help to clear the mind and promote mental clarity, allowing you to hone in on your intentions and take practical steps towards achieving them. Eucalyptus is known for its respiratory benefits, which can be particularly useful during this phase when energy is building towards the full moon.


This warm and spicy herb is associated with abundance, prosperity, and success, making it a powerful addition to manifestation rituals during this phase. Its scent is known to promote feelings of motivation and confidence, which can help to support your action-taking and propel you towards success. Cinnamon is also said to have protective properties, which can help to shield you from negative energies or obstacles that may arise during the manifestation process

Patchouli illustration
Patchouli illustration by Rawpixel.

🌕 Plants & Herbs For The Full Moon

The full moon is a time of heightened energy and intensity, representing the peak of the lunar cycle. Symbolically, the full moon is associated with illumination, revelation, and manifestation. It’s a time when emotions and desires can be amplified, and when we have the opportunity to harness this powerful energy for transformation and growth. The full moon represents a culmination of the intentions and energies that were set during the waxing phase of the moon, and serves as a time to reflect on what has been achieved and what still needs to be released in order to move forward. It’s a time to celebrate the abundance in our lives, express gratitude, and release anything that no longer serves us.


Meadowsweet is a sweet-scented herb that can be particularly useful during the full moon phase of the lunar cycle. It is associated with love, peace, and harmony, and its energy can help to enhance feelings of gratitude and abundance during this potent time. Its soothing and calming effects can help to promote relaxation and restful sleep, allowing you to fully integrate the energies of the full moon and prepare for the waning phase of the lunar cycle.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is a herb known best for healing, protection, and positivity. It is known for its mood-lifting properties, and its energy can help to promote feelings of positivity and optimism during the full moon phase. It can also be used to cleanse and protect your space during full moon rituals, giving a sense of safety and comfort.


Cedar is a powerful herb associated with purification, protection, and grounding. It is a great plant to have around to assist with full moon rituals that focus on releasing negative energies and promoting inner strength. Its purifying properties can help to cleanse your space of any negative energies and promote a sense of clarity and purity.

Meadowsweet illustration
Meadowsweet illustration by Rawpixel.

🌖 Plants & Herbs For The Waning Gibbous Moon

The waning gibbous moon phase occurs after the full moon, as the moon begins to decrease in illumination. During this phase, the energy of the moon is associated with releasing, letting go, and shedding old patterns. It is a time to release any negative energy that may be holding you back and to focus on moving forward with a clean slate. The waning gibbous phase can be a great time for introspection, reflection, and inner work. It is a time to let go of what no longer serves you and to focus on your personal growth and development.


Lavender is a popular herb that can be particularly useful during the waning gibbous phase of the lunar cycle. This herb is known for its calming properties and can help to promote relaxation and peace of mind. During the waning gibbous phase, it is important to release any stress or tension that may be holding you back, and lavender can be a great tool to help you do so.

Valerian root

Valerian root is known for its calming and sedative properties and can help to promote restful sleep and relaxation. Its calming energy can help you to let go of any negative thoughts or emotions and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility, allowing you to rest and recharge for the next phase of the lunar cycle.

Lemon verbena

Lemon verbena is associated with purification, cleansing, and renewal, making it a great herb to help you release any negative energy or old patterns that may be holding you back. Its fresh, citrusy aroma can help to clear your mind and promote a sense of clarity and focus, which can be particularly useful during the introspective energy of the waning gibbous phase.

Lavender Illustration
Lavender illustration by Rawpixel.

🌗 Plants & Herbs For The Last Quarter Moon

The last quarter moon marks the halfway point between the full moon and the new moon, and it is a time of transition and reflection. During this phase, the moon appears as a half-circle in the sky, with one side illuminated and the other in shadow. This represents the need to balance our inner and outer worlds, and to find a sense of harmony between the two. During the last quarter moon, it can be helpful to engage in practices that promote release and letting go, such as journaling, meditation, or physical movement. This is a time to clear away any mental or emotional clutter and to focus on what truly matters as we prepare for the new beginnings that come with the upcoming new moon.


Sage is a sacred herb that is often associated with cleansing and purification. As the last quarter moon symbolises a time of release and letting go, sage can be used as a powerful tool to help us shed anything that is holding us back. By burning sage and allowing the smoke to surround us, we can connect with the herb’s purifying energy and let go of what no longer serves us.


The last quarter moon is a time of transition and rosemary can help us to embrace change and new beginnings. The herb’s cleansing properties can help us to release any emotional or energetic blocks that may be preventing us from growing. By working with rosemary during the last quarter moon, we can connect with its energy of clarity, protection, and new beginnings, allowing us to move forward with renewed focus and purpose.


Yarrow is a great herb to help with releasing old patterns and beliefs. Working with yarrow during the last quarter moon can also help us to let go of any past trauma or emotional baggage that may be affecting our ability to set boundaries. By releasing these negative patterns, we can establish a sense of self-worth and confidence that allows us to set healthy boundaries with ease.

Sage Illustration
Garden sage illustration by Rawpixel.

🌘 Plants & Herbs For The Waning Crescent Moon

The waning crescent moon is the last phase of the lunar cycle before it begins again with the new moon. This phase is a period of rest, release and surrender and the perfect time to make space for new beginnings. During the waning crescent moon, we may feel a natural inclination to slow down and turn inward. It is a time to review the previous cycle, to reflect on any lessons learned and to release anything that may be holding us back. This phase can be a potent time for releasing old habits, negative patterns, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us.


Chamomile can be used to soothe the nervous system and calm the mind, helping us to relax and release any tension we may be holding onto. In addition to its emotional benefits, chamomile has physical healing properties as well. It’s been used to support healthy digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote restful sleep. During the waning crescent moon, our bodies are also in a state of release and purification, making chamomile an excellent herb to support these processes.


Myrtle is a fragrant herb that has been used for centuries for its healing properties. It is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making it an excellent herb to use during the waning crescent moon. During this phase, it’s essential to take time to reflect on the past and release what no longer serves us. Myrtle can aid in this process by providing a sense of peace and tranquility, allowing us to let go of negative emotions and thoughts.


Lavender is known for its ability to promote restful sleep and relieve stress, both of which can be beneficial during the waning crescent moon phase. As we release and let go of what no longer serves us, it’s important to prioritise rest and relaxation to support our bodies and minds. Its soothing scent can help calm our minds and ease our anxieties, making it easier to let go of negative emotions and patterns.

Chamomile Illustration
Chamomile Illustration by Rawpixel.

A Guide To Plants & Herbs Associated With Moon Phases

**DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Please note that the information provided in this blog post is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider before using any herbs or essential oils mentioned in this article. While herbs and essential oils can offer many benefits, it’s important to use them safely and responsibly. Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy exploring the world of herbs and moon phases with us!**

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