5 Tarot Readers To Watch On YouTube In 2022

Read our list of 2023 tarot channel recommendations here.

Are you a newbie to the world of tarot card readings? Or simply curious about what to expect in a reading? If you’re not ready to get a personal tarot reading done in real life, then the good news is that you can get accustomed to how tarot cards work by watching free readings on YouTube.

The most common type of tarot card readings that can be found on YouTube are based on astrological signs. You can also find a ton of ‘pick a card’ and ‘general energy’ kinds of readings. Most channels will upload a few videos a week, so you can stay up-to-date with the energies that are currently circulating in your field.

Whilst there are plenty (and I mean PLENTY) of tarot card reading channels out there, these 5 YouTube readers are my top pick. Since each reader brings their own energy into the reading, you’ll find yourself resonating with some and not with others. Give these a watch and see how you go. If you feel like you’re not vibing with any of them, don’t worry. You’re bound to find a handful of tarot card readers in the YouTube tarotsphere that you will resonate with.



Whilst a lot of the readings on YouTube focus mainly on love and relationships, Chris from Minnow Pond uploads weekly readings that give an overall scope of the energies around each zodiac sign. Chris touches on current energies, how to get the most out of the current week and any unexpected things that may pop up for your sign. Chris delivers his readings with some light-hearted humour, making this an enjoyable channel to follow if you want a weekly update on what’s going on for your astrological sign.

YouTube Channel: Minnow Pond Tarot


Need a punch-in-the-face wake up call from the Universe? Ali’s got the kind of message that you’re after. If you like readings that give raw advice, you will love Ali’s readings. She doesn’t sugar-coat things and tells you exactly what you don’t want to hear but need to. Personally, I find myself resonating with Ali’s readings the most, as I do enjoy her style of reading. Tune into Ali’s channel for monthly energy readings about the past, current and future situations.

YouTube Channel: ALI’s Tarot


If you haven’t come across CancerMoons Tarot on YouTube, you’re missing out on Ant’s infectious energy! For those who have a tarot reading addiction and need a dose of tarot everyday, Ant uploads digestible daily and weekend readings for all the astrological signs. As an added bonus, he also uploads in-depth monthly readings for each sign. Ant’s readings are always full of energy and inspirational – a perfect pick-me-up for those low-vibe days.

YouTube Channel: CancerMoons Tarot


If you’re ever having a bad day, listening to Baba Jolie’s messages are a great way to lift your mood and feel inspired. Baba Jolie uses her skill of channeling messages from spirit guides to give you a comprehensive view into what’s happening in your zodiac sign’s energy field. It’s definitely a treat for us that she uploads a few different types of monthly readings including love, career and twin flame. The usual length of her readings are about 45 minutes – so grab a cuppa, get comfy and enjoy!

YouTube Channel: Baba Jolie Guided Messages


Kate has a very talented skill of storytelling and uses symbolism from each card deck to paint a picture of what possible scenarios could be unfolding in each astrological sign. I find her readings to be very beautiful and often bordering on heartfelt. It differs from your everyday energy reading as there is much more creativity involved. Kate loves to change up the backdrop of her videos, so you’ll often find yourself whisked away to the Greek Islands or floating in a starry galaxy. If you have Libra in your chart (like myself) you’ll probably enjoy this channel.

YouTube Channel: Kate’s Regretless Life

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